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Marlon James Changes His Mind - Windsor's White Teachers (may not be biased, but they) Have Tempers

Posted by George Slate , August 29, 2013 at 03:53 PM 27 Comments  2 Recommend

This is the 4th posting that I did after reading the report.

In November 2012, Marlon James blamed the achievement gap on the biases of white teachers.  In his just released report, he now blames the achievement gap on the tempers of white teachers.  Page 19 of the MJLU report states, "Another area of concern that was discussed at length by the students, mostly those on the college level, was the seemingly short temper of some of their teachers.  Students disclosed that it was difficult to engage their teachers to help them on class assignments; they were often confronted with reluctance and aggression that would then result in the student being asked to leave the classroom."  So now the word is temper, rather than biased.  And, this is an aggressive temper.  ..............  As I said months ago, here in Patch land, some view their circumstances from the oppression perspective.  Now, Marlon James has clearly stated the perspective he used to evaluate Windsor High School.

Avon Lady August 29, 2013 at 05:12 PM Is the meeting portion for the "reading of the results" be on the public access channel? Is the Report available for us to look at online so we can see what he did with the records from back before the slaves were freed? 2 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Sue Tait Porcaro August 29, 2013 at 06:12 PM Seriously? Tempers? Only white Wow, who knew the answer was so simple? And we spent money on this crap? 4 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Catherine & Dennis August 29, 2013 at 06:40 PM I believe we should hold comments until we have the opportunity to read the entire report and see the information that was gathered to come to the conclusions. Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Gen August 30, 2013 at 11:42 AM Really Avon Lady? You believe that slavery is a joke? You are the exact type of "biased" and if I may, ignorant individual that perpetuates disparities between the races. I hope you do not work with children. Recommend Flag as Inappropriate LAB August 31, 2013 at 01:37 PM The statements above that Dr. James indicates regarding students experiencing short-tempered teachers does not reflect what students indicated in a recent Student Survey conducted in the spring of 2013 that I read in the Warrior Weekly yesterday. The first question in the survey is “My teacher is willing to give us extra help on our schoolwork if we need it.” 92% responded favorably with the majority responding Strongly Agree. Another question, “My teacher cares about me.” 93% responded favorably. Question 4: “The teacher treats students with respect.” 92% responded favorably. Shall I go on?? My daughter never saw any such behavior by teachers in her four years at WHS. And, yes, she took college level classes. 1 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Michaela I. Fissel August 31, 2013 at 03:53 PM All positive responses or those that support the strengths of Windsor High School were withheld from the report. Dr. James and his co-researcher said this outright during both the Board of Education workshop and the community presentation this past Thursday. Therefore, the only data included in the report was that which supported Dr. James' hypothesis that teachers are discriminating against their students. 1 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Michaela I. Fissel August 31, 2013 at 03:54 PM That is a fact given that he said that teachers responses were also withheld because the majority of teachers stated that they didn't discriminate. 1 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Avon Lady August 31, 2013 at 04:01 PM Really Gen how RACIST & IGNORANT of You to ASSume that I & my family would not know our history from slavery considering my family on both sides moved north off the slave masters plantations some coming here to CT & others moving to NY state - Both sides getting Actively Involved in the Civil Rights Movement including my Great Uncle here in CT having his picture taken alongside of LBJ - it is the Poverty Pimps & the Lazy Blamers who Promote EBONICS as being ACCEPTABLE because it's spoken at home which translate into the parents being too lazy to make certain that their children speak Proper English at school & home because in the business world Proper English is Required to be spoken. Honestly most people work for someone else - It's people like You Gen who are the problem by promoting Victimhood & the chip on the shoulder attitudes & "Blaming the Man for Holding You Back" rather than the TRUTH that it's Bad Attitudes & Laziness which hold the majority back if they want to move forward. You attack those minorities who do not buy into the Slave Victimhood Mentality because their perspective is differnt from yours which is us who choose to Celebrate How Far that We As a Black People Have Come - Black People from Africa & the Many Islands can get off of boats & planes & Not Be In Chains because of the Hard Work that people like My Great Grandfathers & Great Uncles & Great Aunts have done to not only End Slavery They Suffered but Also Walked in those Marches & Sit in those Sit-Ins so those Signs are No Longer Displayed (Do You Remember Those Signs well I DO because those signs meant My Family & I could Not shop in those stores when I was a child) No Gen YOU are what's Wrong in this town Promoting Division Rather Than Accountability on the part of the Parents for making sure that the Students Attend Classes & Do their Homework & Work With the Teachers to get Tutoring if needed for the Students - Look in the mirror honestly about who is promoting disparities & bad attitudes & divisions - Black Pride was never meant to be about being a victim it was about having Pride in how far we have come to beat those odds & obstacles but you & Doreen & this twisted report are a disgrace to all that we have accomplished over the years - "Attitude Determines Altitude You Can't Fly with the Eagles if you are Hanging with the Turkeys" - a quote from Ebony or Essence Magazine picture back in the 70's that I used to have on my wall as a child - what positivism have You Promoted Gen? What Black Pride have You Passed On to the younger generations because all I see promoted by you is negativity & the promotion that blacks are victims rather than victorious? 4 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Gen August 31, 2013 at 04:16 PM Are you done with your temper tantrum Avon Lady? I have seen the many ignorant comments you have left on the past few months on this forum. The joke is on you. I am none of the accusations you have thrown out here. But you have definitely solidified for me that I have pegged you correctly. You should be ashamed of yourself. What positivity do you promote in town. None. I'm officially sure of it. I didn't need an EER report or Doreen to tell me what I already know goes on in this town. Yes their are children and adults who are stuck in a cycle of ignorance and underachievement- but let me tell you something- while they should carry some responsibility-they shouldn't carry all of it. You seem to have no idea of the concept that it "takes a village." Windsor has lost sight of that and you, well, you're just pathetic and blind. And I will never allow someone as close minded as you to deny the real experiences of people of color in this town. I love this town, but it's also time to make a huge change. Maybe you could be this first one- MOVE OUT! Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Catherine & Dennis August 31, 2013 at 05:36 PM Well said Avon Lady. The really successful people of all races have had a home life where believing in oneself and expectations of excellence is taught as well as respect of others. We should all learn from the past and celebrate success but just as importantly so we do not relive the worst. History is a chance to become better. The current school system is broken as is much of society. I think it would be a good idea for those that really want change to meet outside of the political arena to discuss and identify the problems and share ideas for change -come to a consensus then present it to the Superintendent and Board and insist on that change. Everyone must come to that meeting and be allowed to respectfully share their experiences and ideas and listen (this is an art form) to others as well. I am sure everyone has experiences and thoughts that may not have occurred to others and everyone should be heard. 2 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Catherine & Dennis August 31, 2013 at 05:38 PM The idea above of course would require many meetings -but I believe it would be a great opportunity for all involved. I think the best results would be achieved w/o politics however. 2 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Avon Lady August 31, 2013 at 06:00 PM Gen there you go again with that chip on the shoulder & attacking a minority woman because you do not want to hear the truth about the failings of those who chose to be lazy is no one fault but their own & their parents because it's the teacher's job to educate the parents job to discipline & the students job to sit there & do their school work & homework rather than disrupting the classes so the rest can't learn 2 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate LAB August 31, 2013 at 06:18 PM @Avon Lady/@Gen -- This is exactly what I was afraid of. More division amongst the citizens of Windsor. @Catherine & Dennis -- Great idea! 1 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Gen August 31, 2013 at 06:22 PM Avon Lady. You make me laugh. If only you knew... Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Gen August 31, 2013 at 06:23 PM LAB. This is only the tip of the ice berg. When people refuse to believe a particular issue exists, it is offensive. There is shared blame and people like Avon Lady refuse the truth. I wish she'd move out of town. Recommend Flag as Inappropriate George Slate August 31, 2013 at 07:11 PM Gen - Back to your first comment, I think that Avon Lady was merely referring to the reports that the MJLU research team went back to Windsor records back to the 1850s. Nothing more. ............ After that, talking about racially charged issues is difficult. Please stay engaged, and let's hope that the achievement gap can be closed, however each of us defines the achievement gap. 2 Recommend Delete George Slate August 31, 2013 at 07:15 PM LAB - What you say about the survey results troubles me. I'll come back to that later. Recommend Delete George Slate August 31, 2013 at 07:24 PM Avon Lady - I have seen you make more reasoned comments in the past. This is not an easy issue to deal with. When the tape runs on local TV, I had to admit that Paul Panos was right (and I said that it pains me greatly to say that publically). His view has been that The MJLU study would actually have a negative. I fear that the negativity that pervades the MJLU report will divide the town along racial lines. I do not want that. I want to have good outcomes arise out of an analysis of the report, even as I believe that the report if grossly deficient. ........... I will do a separate posting on this later, and sorry to get you riled up again, but Dr. James basically endorsed COMMON CORE as the solution for Windsor. On Common Core, whether I agree with you or not, you present you side of the argument in a reasoned manner. 2 Recommend Delete LAB August 31, 2013 at 07:50 PM George, try copying into your browser. Should take you to a pdf of the survey I was referring to. Michaela's comments about the strengths being left out of the report is disturbing. Recommend Flag as Inappropriate LAB August 31, 2013 at 08:15 PM No, sorry, I just realized that link doesn't work. It was in the Warrior Weekly that I received. Perhaps a search on that will bring you to it. Recommend Flag as Inappropriate George Slate August 31, 2013 at 09:25 PM LAB - At some point we will find a way to get the information that you referred to into the hands of the public. In a future posting I'll share more regarding something that I talked to someone about today - MJLU held only group meetings (at English classes) with students. This leads to GROUPTHINK and grouptalk, and prevents individuals from expressing viewpoints contrary to the prevailing groupspeak. I'm sure there is academic research on this, but it was not part of report. (Michaela indicated earlier that all POSITIVE student responses were omitted from the report. Maybe that are in the raw data. Maybe the NSA has those comments in their vast databases - just a bad joke.) 1 Recommend Delete james walsh September 01, 2013 at 08:49 AM Jane Doe in previous post claiming to be a minority student in Windsor said it best. Dump this BS so called study. The issues of race didn't hold back Obama. The kids of this country have billions being spent on their education and so many do poorly, but are capable of much better results. Tax payers can only provide so much then comes you the student and you the parent or guardian to push and encourage results from your student. I’m not willing to spend another penny or second on the student achievement gap until a procedure is implemented mandating involvement from parents and guardians of kids that fall into the student achievement gap regardless of their race, religion or color. Windsor board of education and superintendent get serious with addressing the student achievement gap no more studies are needed. Performance can’t be had without first having respect for those that teach and discipline to the requirements set forth to move forward to achieve results. All kids in the gap should have a mandatory class addressing respect and discipline with their parents and or guardians requiring they all pass with an 80 or better. A special course program for the students that pass (with a tie in with the family) requiring that a regiment similar to being on any team be met to stay in the special course program and these kids will begin to perform and the program will end up growing with the data of improved results. No charge for the advice BOE and superintendent. I very much doubt the students complaining of white teachers tempers are sweet little innocent school children. This seals it for me this study is a joke when this so call actually blaming white teachers tempers give me a break. Do you believe everything your student tells you so called Dr. James?? I think its time for cameras in the classroom this induce change in everyone in that room. 4 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Catherine & Dennis September 01, 2013 at 09:18 AM I think the idea of cameras in the classroom would indeed induce change in behavior and everyone would benefit from it -we then need a plan for what to do with those that continue to misbehave, ruin the chance for education for others and waste hard earned tax dollars. I think having control in the classrooms is one of the first things that has to happen along with proper placement of the kids. Parents must be involved in both. Again this is not publicly funded child care but their education and it should be every parents first responsibility 1 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Malvi Lennon September 01, 2013 at 10:55 AM I find your posts refreshingly honest, and on point. Keep it up. Ignore name-calling bullies; they resort to mean tactics because they cannot engage on the subject. As for the James so called "study" Villar and Richardson would have made better use of $100K had they thrown the money over the side of the nearest overpass. 2 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Malvi Lennon September 01, 2013 at 10:55 AM Sorry @Avon LAdy 1 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Malvi Lennon September 01, 2013 at 11:18 AM The results of this so-called "study" are flawed because the study itself is flawed. However, folks who believe “racism" is the "real" reason behind every decision; they disagree with will embrace the results because it confirm his/her myopic views. I am sure these same people believe "racism" is the reason why he/she were not hired for a certain job or he/she was passed over for a promotion at work. Such people are incapable of examining their personal attitudes, behaviors, and how these may play a huge role in bringing about the results they least want. Are there prejudiced/”racist” people Yes, and their will continue to exist for as long as humans inhabit earth. However, no longer is “racism” the “boogie man” around the corner ready to devour innocent victims. 2 Recommend Flag as Inappropriate Michaela I. Fissel September 03, 2013 at 09:50 AM Good morning Windsor Patch Readers, ___________________________________________________ We have decided to move forward with a series of Listening Forums, scheduled for September 19, October 3, and October 24th from 6-7:30 at Get Baked in the center of town. ___________________________________________________ Please go to the following link to learn more about the Windsor Listening Forum on Education ___________________________________________________ A Listening Forum is an opportunity for Windsor residents to come together and share their perspectives. It is hoped that by listening to the concerns, insights, and general observations regarding the Windsor Public School System, we will be in a better position to represent the diverse needs of the community. ___________________________________________________ As a candidate for Board of Education, I want to assure you that candidates will not be invited to solicit votes or raise funds. This event is solely to gain an understanding of what our community expects from us moving forward. ___________________________________________________ We believe that solutions can be developed by building the capacity of our community to support innovative and creative ideas in education. As we have seen over the past year, without establishing community consensus and strengthening the collaboration between groups from the bottom up, the enforcement of undesired change will be met with the greatest conflict. ___________________________________________________ Let's see if we can bridge the gap created within our community through dialogue and compassion. 1 Recommend

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The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Want to post on Patch?